Time to realise myself.
I have been for long been upto things. This I believed was the key to success, so I got into a lotta things. But lately I have realised that in mist of this performance, I am losing myself. I am actually trying to do things that would eventually make me good but then I would be losing the people I like the most.
BigAdda.com advertisment made me realise that after all said and done, I am going to be left with the few friends and those are gonna be the people who I would have. Distance is the biggest issue and this life of IT and all....
So I have decided to do things for those who care for me and for myself. So here are my new resolutions
1. Give time to myself: All said and done, at the end of the day I should have quality time for myself. Just to think about myself and know what I want.
2. Get back to my friends: I want to give time to my friends, call them to say hi or just an SMS, something to be in contact with. I missed on to too much, dont want to anymore now.
3. Gym: I have been not taking care of my physical self. Now no matter what, I am going to make it a daily activity.
4. Improve on my communication: One problem is I speak to fast, my mind runs faster than i talk and also I feel I talk at a level that seems to go beyond the scope of undertanding of the other guy. I really need to work on that.
5. Be thorough: I have this bad habit of not analysing things upto the mark. Being hasty and all, I need to check this on.
6. Work on my will power: Having written the funda and knowing the perks. I need to seriously put my head down and work on it. This is my life and my chance to get it. And I better not loose it.
7. Work on the opportunities: Another thing I have noticed is that I let opportunities fly by thinking that I am not ready. The truth is I would never be ready for things in the given time of youth and age.
But then I don't know why I forget this in the mist of it all. Someone please help!
1 Response to Time to realise myself.
Nice write up.
Could actually relate to each of the 7 points listed. Especially, the talking fast thing. I make such lists too once in a blue moon n m back to square one in no time.
Hope, doesn't happen to you too.. ;)
Something to say?