Don't chase comfort, let it chase you.
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Funda's of life
By Nalin Bakshi
Funda's of life.
You have been told some keys to success now and then by someone; add one more guy to the list:- Nalin Bakshi.
So why these fundas of life again. Well because I have realised these after making mistakes in my life and wouldn't want you to make some for yourself.
So here are some funda's.
Comfort, the very thing almost everyone seems to running after. It seems to rule our decisions, desires and habits. But the fact is that the Problems and Challenges are the fact of life. The more we run away from them, the more they seem to come after us. So what to do? Run after them and you would have comfort chasing you.
Confused? Hmm.... OK! What is that most beings desire? Its the comfort, right! But to get comfort what we do? Most of us tend to take the easy path out. But does it actually work? Well in short terms yes, but in long - highly unlikely. The only truth in life that you must focus on is problems and challenges, the more you run after them, the more simple and comfortable life would be. How? Let me further explain. Take the case of person who gets up early in the morning to go to gym, its a pain to get up, take time and go just to pump iron or for tuning the body. I mean first you need to take time out for that and then you have to go through more pain of doing the exercise. But the fact is that these people are fit, have fewer health issues, they don't get tired in parties - in fact they tend to enjoy them more, they don't have a problem of going to work the next day and then these people tend to live longer also.
Lets take another example: Lance Armstrong, a cyclist from USA who happens to be Seven time "Tour de France" winner. He went through all the physical, mental pain a person a person is likely to go through, but today despite cancer he is more fit than most of us, he has a big house, expensive ride, world wide fans etc. Lets take another example, Micheal Schumacher: This F1 Champ went through years of mental and physical pain (yes racing means fitness too), considered to be medically one of the fittest athlete. I am sure he would have been getting up early, running everyday, meeting technicians, practicing day in and out. But then look at him, he had an annual package of $35 million US more over he probably has to put in less effort than any of us to drive on a long trip. Success is after him, comfort is after him. He doesn't get tired, money is not an issue, world knows him, and if today he decides not to work , even then he would have better life than most of us middle class people. He has all the comfort in the world.
So, look around yourself and check out the successful people, all of them take on challenge, the one who seems to run after the most problems is probably the most successful person too (this also depends on what you see as success). Comfort seems to follow them, they didn't ask for it, they just got it.
Now look/think about the people who run away for comfort, he/she is probably the one who is nowhere. Living a life of comfort, everything to him/her seems a pain. Life also for the same seems to be a big pain.
No matter how hard you try to run from the problems/challenges in life, they will always be there unless you have someone who is always taking care of you. Which is either not likely to be there for ever, or it means that you are making someone else's life difficult, which would indirectly mean that you are useless. So stop whinnying about it and get ready to face the problem. Remember every problem is nothing but a challenge, its not necessary that you win every time but its necessary that you take it on. Conquer your problems and see the life getting better and exciting.
1 Response to Don't chase comfort, let it chase you.
nice post, again... u r right abt the choice b/w comfort and challenges.. evading risk is not a short-cut to comfort..
you might like to check out some new posts i ve added on my blog..
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