Dream On.
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Funda's of life
By Nalin Bakshi
There is a beautiful song sung by "Aerosmith" - "Dream on". One of the best lines in this song is "Dream on till your dreams com true" and I totally agree with it. But sadly most of us are too busy in our lives, that we have somehow forgotten to dream. Some people think its a waste of time while some think that it only break hearts when their dreams don't come true... the reasons for not dreaming vary and at the end people some how stop themselves from dreaming something big. Now HOLD IT. Why stop? Just because you didn't succeed the last time doesn't mean that you haven't gained anything or you can't succeed the next time. Why is it a waste a time - is it stopping you from being successful? There might be few amongst us who don't need to dream but what about the rest of us. Are we as successful as we want to be or have we just forgot what we want to do?
So why dream?
Everyday we learn something and the impressions of these activities are left in our un-consciences mind. Want it or not but this very much affects how we shape our selves. For instance what makes people exposed to something good (in most cases) are better than others? Simple reason is that this affects there unconscience mind. Another example would be movies, how sometimes a movie inspire us to do something - its a different matter that after few days this inspiration dies down in most of us. But what about that few hours? What was the trigger? The movie gives us a kind of illusion, a doorway to something not happening in real but still it inspired us. Same is the case with dreams. Dreams are our doorway to this mystical world. But the only difference here is that we don't have to waste some 2 hours to dream someone else's dream.
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According to me there are four types of people
1. Who have the fuel to last the race and ignition to motivate themselves.
2. Those who have the fuel but need some ignition (motivation) from outside.
3. Those who have the ignition but not the fuel to last it.
4. And finally those who neither have the fuel nor the ignition.
Which one you are and which among the top four would u want to be?
Question: Well those who want to be successful would have already chosen 1. But then how to be self motivating always?
Answer: Simple - Dream on!
Dream what you want to be and this would trigger the motivational factor with in you. You must have the want to do it. What would happen slowly and steadily is that your unconscience brain would start to motivate you.
Simple exercise: Ok so you think its a crap or you don't know what to think of, well here is an example - think of how you want to look like. Imagine yourself to be that - daily. And after few days see how its making you decide on certain factors while shopping, walking, eating.
I agree that just dreaming won't help - but if you are one of those who have that bit of spark you would see the difference. Try on!
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